There are many ways we can support the activity of God in our church, community and world. Throughout the Bible giving to God and to others is an underlying foundation of Christian life in community.
Giving is not something one should feel pressured to do or a way of guaranteeing that God will bless you. Giving is however, an essential part of following Jesus, an expression of one's love for God and a way of contributing to the life and mission of Knox Church.
There are three ways of making offerings at Knox Church:
Make a monetary gift during worship on Sunday, either using the PayWave auto-donation machine or the offering boxes at the back of the church.
Use internet banking to make direct credits or automatic payments to Knox Church. This can be a one-off or an automatic payment that repeats as often as you choose. You can email plannedgiving@knoxchurch.org.nz to receive an Automatic Payment number for tax rebate purposes;
Join the envelope system by emailing plannedgiving@knoxchurch.org.nz
Bank Account Details
Westpac Bank
Account name: Deacons' Court Knox Church
03 0903 0016425 00
Please include your name for reference and your automatic payment number, if you have one.
Tax Rebate
Knox Church Dunedin is a registered charity, which means that you can receive a tax rebate from the IRD. Our Charities Commission Number is #CC52318.
Get in Touch
449 George Street
(corner of Pitt St and George St)
Dunedin 9016
Email: admin@knoxchurch.org.nz
Phone: 034770229