Resource Kete
Sermon Scripts and Orders of Service
Previous sermons can be found here.
Previous orders of service can be found here.
If you are hearing impaired, and would like a script prior to the service, please contact the Knox office ahead of the Sunday service and we will do our best to provide you with a script and full order of service.
Liturgies, Prayers and Music
Liturgies and prayers
Knox has been part of a project to develop liturgies within the tertiary chaplaincy setting. You can peruse the liturgies here. Their services include:
Services of Holy Communion
Blessings for a home (incl. after a death)
Vigil for climate justice
Service of commissioning
Blessing of a residential college
Matariki service
Inauguration service
Liturgical music
At our evening service, we have been developing shorter contemplative refrains. Please, feel free to use and adapt these for your own context.
"E te Ariki, kia aroha mai | O Lord, have mercy"
A contemporary version of the Kyrie -
"Out of our distress we call to you, O God"
A refrain based on Jonah's Prayer -
"Come, Holy Spirit"
A hymn of epiclesis -
"Be still"
A new lyrical setting to the well-known "Be still for the presence of the Lord" focused on God's incarnational presence in creation -
"Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening"
A prayer of illumination based on Samuel's call (1 Sam 3) -
"Be silent, be still"
A musical setting to a "bidding prayer" from Melling Abbey -
"Resurrection prayer"
A sung blessing on taking off our grave-clothes -
A short sung prayer for the Holy Spirit -
A sung setting for the breaking of bread and lifting of the cup -
"Spirit prayer"
A sung prayer based on Romans 8
Prayers and Litanies
Public Statements & Articles
Get in Touch
449 George Street
(corner of Pitt St and George St)
Dunedin 9016
Email: admin@knoxchurch.org.nz
Phone: 034770229