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We are followers of Jesus

We are a community learning to follow Jesus in this land of Aotearoa today. We believe God’s Spirit is alive and at work in this land, its history, its people - tāngata whenua and tāngata tiriti - leading us together into freedom and peace. We don't believe everyone needs to think the same way, but we are committed to learning to live life together. Below you will find more information about our community as well as central professions of the faith that shapes our community.

If you would like to find out more about the Christian faith, you can contact of our interim minister.

Knox Church Dunedin


We are captivated by the biblical vision of the realm of God,

made known in Jesus,

given in grace.


We believe we are called to be a community following Jesus,

alive to God’s Spirit,

living into God’s coming realm.


The values that inform our life together are:

Unity in Christ

Justice for all creation

Worship of God

Love and hospitality

Diversity and inclusiveness


You can read the 2021-2023 Knox Plan plan here.

Who we are

He whānau kotahi tātou i roto i te Karaiti, in Christ we are one family. We are a people on the way, committing to the path of reconciliation between Māori and Pākehā, immigrant and local, rainbow and straight. We encourage diversity and are on the journey to grounding our worship and life together in the context of Aotearoa. We are committed to the work of decolonisation and making space for a multitude of voices, languages, cultures, orientations and expressions. Come, add your voice to the mix!

Our heritage of music – of organ and choir – has evolved and continues to evolve to resonate with people’s experiences and faith today. We try to bring good scholarship to Bible and theology and church. We host world scholars and have people who have spent a life-time studying the faith. We have a tradition of prayer and spirituality that is true to us: honest, authentic, genuine. Our faith is not dryly intellectual or unemotional or detached.

There is a spirit of inclusion. We seek to follow the boundary-crossing Jesus. We can discuss controversial subjects without being consumed by competing claims to truth. That is much more than tolerance. We have a stream of new people, bringing fresh questions and challenges and energy. We have children and young people who are articulate and thoughtful, who inspire and educate us. We engage our local community on issues of justice. Many are engaged in political or community movements. We have a heritage of going to people where they are, rather than expecting them to come to us – Donald Stuart was the first minister of Knox and had a remarkable ministry of visiting people in their homes. We seek to be part of the action of the Holy Spirit, at our door step, drawing us into her life in the community, inviting us to be part of her action out on the street, in the shops and hospital and university and polytechnic and work places, in the lives of people, in the questions and spirit of people beyond us.

Knox Church Dunedin
Our Ministry Team
Our Ministry Team


Jacqui Carroll


landline: 034770229

church office hours:

Monday – Friday 9am-12noon

Council Clerk

Lincoln Coe


Clerk of the Deacons Court



Choir Director and Organist

Karen Knudson


Planned Giving Secretary

Interim Moderators
Margaret Garland & Graham Redding
Church Council

The Church Council provides pastoral and spiritual oversight of Knox Church.

Knox Church policy documents can be accessed here

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our Council Clerk,

who will pass on your concerns to Council.

Lincoln Coe.png

Lincoln Coe (Clerk)

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Patsy Mason

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Jody Takimoana

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Vanessa Sinclair

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Margot Skinner

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Barry Brown

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Leigh Haslam

Church Council
Deacons Court
Deacons' Court

The Deacons' Court manage the finances and property of Knox Church. Through wise stewardship of our resources, we seek to better serve our community and more fully share in God's generous love to the world. For queries, relating to finance and property, please contact the Clerk of Deacons' Court.

Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ
Presbyterian Church of
Aotearoa New Zealand

Knox Church Dunedin is part of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.


The Five Faces of Mission

The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

believes it is called by God to work with others

in making Jesus Christ known through:

Teaching and nurturing people in the Christian faith

Loving service responding to human need

Proclaiming the gospel

Seeking to transform society

Caring for God's creation

From this land of Aotearoa New Zealand

we confess that we believe in and belong

to the one true and living God,

who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Love before all love.

We believe in God the Father,

sovereign and holy,

Creator and nurturer of all,

Father of Jesus Christ,

sender of the Holy Spirit,

and Judge of all the earth.

We believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,

truly human and truly divine,

who lived among us full of grace and truth.

For our sin he was crucified

and by the power of God was raised from death,

forgiving us, setting us free and bringing to birth God’s new creation.

Now ascended, he calls us to repentance and faith

and restores us to God and to one another.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit,

the giver of life at work in all creation,

who inspired the Scriptures and makes Christ known,

who transforms hearts and minds

and gathers us into the community of Christ,

empowering the Church in worship and in mission.

We belong to this triune God,

women and men,

young and old,

from many nations,

in Christ he iwi kotahi tatou, [we are one people]

witnesses to God’s love in word and action,

servants of reconciliation,

and stewards of creation.

As God’s people,

we look forward in hope and joy

to the return of Christ,

to the new heaven and earth,

where evil and death will be no more,

justice and peace will flourish,

and we shall forever delight in the glory of God.

Mai tēnei whenua o Aotearoa Niu Tireni

E whakaatu ana mātou

Ki te Atua kotahi, te Atua ora

Te Matua, Tama, Wairua Tapu

Te aroha i mua i te aroha

E Whakapono ana mātou ki te Atua Matua

Ki tōna mana me tōna tapu

Te Kaihanga, te Kaiāwhina o nga mea katoa

Te Matua o Ihu Karaiti

Te Kaituku o te Wairua Tapu

Te Kaiwhakawā o te ao katoa

E Whakapono ana mātou ki te Atua Tama

Kia Ihu Karaiti te ariki, te kaiwhakaora

he tāngata he Atua

Ka noho ia kei waenganui i a mātou

i te atawhai me te pono.

Mo o mātou hara ka ripekatia ia

na te mana o te Atua

ka ara ake ai ia i te mate

I murua o matou hara, kia wātea mātou

ki te whanau hou ki te mea hou

e noho mai nei i te rangi

ka karanga ia kia mātou ki te ripeneta me te

whakapono, na, ka honoa mātou ki te Atua

me mātou kia mātou ano.

E Whakapono ana mātou ki te Atua, te Wairua Tapu

te Kaihomai o te ora

te Kaimahi i roto i te ao katoa

te Kaihāpai i nga karaipiture

ki te whakamārama te Karaiti kia mātou

kia tahuri o mātou ngākau me o mātou hinengaro

kia noho ai mātou

hei iwi mo te Karaiti

kia kaha ai te Haahi ki te whakatinana haere

i nga whakahau o te Karaiti

No tātou tēnei Atua Tokotoru Tapu

Wāhine me nga tāne,

rangatahi me nga pakeke

o ngā iwi katoa

He iwi kotahi tātou i roto i te Karaiti,

I kite ai mātou i te aroha o te Atua

I roto i te kupu me te mahi

A tātou mahi he hohou i te rongo

me te manaaki, tiaki ranei

kia Rangi raua ko Papa-tū-ā-nuku

He iwi whakapono mātou

ka titiro whakamua mātou ki te hari me te koa

ki te hokinga mai o te Karaiti

Ki te rangi me te whenua hou

kua mutu te kino me te mate

ka puāwai te tika me te rongo

ka noho mātou i roto i te

kororia o te Atua mo ake tonu atu

Kupu Whakapono

Confession of Faith (2010)

Worldwide Church
We belong to the Universal Church

As a community that gathers around the table of the risen Jesus, Knox Church Dunedin is part of the worldwide church, sharing communion with Christians through space and time. We look to the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed as a concrete expression of our unity, professing the same faith in the triune God of love. If you would like to find out more about being a Christian, feel free to contact the minister or click on the links in the Apostles' Creed below.

Get in Touch

449 George Street
(corner of Pitt St and George St)
Dunedin 9016


Phone: 03477 0229

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